Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the United Nations Staff Union, New York and the United Nations Field Staff Union, we would like to express our condolences to the families and friends of our fallen colleagues who killed in Benghazi on Saturday 10 August when a car bomb was detonated outside a shopping mall.
Hussein Abdalla Mahmoud, Field Security Radio Operator, Libyan national, Seniloli Tabuatausole, Close Protection Officer, Fijian national and Clive Peck, Security Officer, Jamaican national will be remembered for giving their last full measure of devotion for the United Nations that we love. For those of us who remain, let us find the strength and courage to carry on and make this great Organization worthy of their memory.
Our thoughts and prayers also go out to the families and friends of the injured colleagues, Ibrahim Musa, Human Rights Officer, Sudanese national and Amar Ambarak, staff member, Libyan national.
The Organization must do its utmost to protect our colleagues who continue to serve and risk their lives, on a daily basis, in some of the most dangerous places in the world.
The remains of our fallen colleagues will be delivered to their families soon. The staff unions will keep you informed regarding the funeral arrangements as we work closely with DOS on this sad occasion.
Patricia Nemeth
President-United Nations Staff Union, New York
Stephen Towler
President-United Nations Field Staff Union