
The United Nations Staff Union is the Labor Union representing New York Secretariat Staff, Locally Recruited Staff in the field, and Staff Members of UN Information Centers around the globe. It is the staff’s own representative body in negotiations with management, independent from any administrative control.

All staff members are automatic members of the Union, and may approach the Union with grievances or complaints against supervisors or the administration, and may be represented if desired by someone from the Staff Council in following any grievance procedure that may be initiated. Dues-paying members enjoy additional privileges such as the ability to run for Union office, to serve as a representative on a statutory committee, and to receive financial assistance from UNSU funds. Dues are optional and operate on a sliding scale, and are used to:

  • Fund Union participation in expert body meetings such as those of the ICSC
  • Train newly elected staff representatives
  • Pay for legal services
  • Other activities, as voted upon by either the Executive Board or Staff Council.

Learn how to become a Dues-Paying Member or a Staff Representative to contribute to your colleagues’ rights and make your voice heard in the Union.